简介:现实生活中,艾丽莎(凯伦·吉兰 Karen Gillan 饰)沉默寡言默默无闻,没有人能够想到,这样一个不起眼又不讨人喜欢的女孩,居然是虚拟世界中粉丝高达数十万的网络红人,个中原因要归结到一段在网络上走红的病毒视频上,不过,这对于艾丽莎来说并不是什么好事。 某一日,艾丽莎突然发现,即便拥有着成千上万的“粉丝”,在现实世界中,她仍然还是孤身一人,于是,艾丽莎找到了她及其善于市场营销的同事亨瑞(约翰·赵 John Cho 饰),拜托他帮自己在现实生活中“重塑形象”。亨瑞和艾丽莎遇见的所有男人都不一样,在他的帮助下,艾丽莎能够顺利脱离“互联网”,重返“人类社会”吗?
简介:Project sees Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele in front of a live studio audience bantering about a topic weaved between filmed shorts and sketches.
简介:Changes to the bacteria that live inside all of us are responsible for increasing the number of people with allergies, suggests new research. In this episode of Horizon, the show investigates this claim by conducting a unique experiment with two allergic families in order to find out just what it is in the modern world that is to blame. With a raft of mini cameras, GPS units an...
简介:A young girl falls into a river and drowns. When her body is found in a remote village along the river, her uncle arrives to claim her body, only to find that she is very much alive. But when she returns to her family, unexplainable occurrences lead them to believe she is possessed.
简介:曾经,西蒙(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)是业界炙手可热的莎士比亚悲剧演员,创造过无数辉煌,打破过无数记录,然而,西蒙如今已经老去,他的事业亦因此而凋零,过分沉溺于戏剧世界的他混淆了现实与虚幻,人生走入了死胡同之中无法回头。 某日,在康涅狄格州的一座疗养院里,西蒙遇见了名为佩吉(格蕾塔·葛韦格 Greta Gerwig 饰)的女子。佩吉的年龄只有西蒙的一半大,然而,这并没能阻止两人迅速的坠入了爱河。这段忘年恋遭到了几乎所有人的反对,但西蒙却依然沉浸在幸福的喜悦中无法自拔。随着时间的推移,当爱情的魔法渐渐消失,现实的压力渐渐增大,西蒙是否还能够坚持自己的选择呢?