简介:Britain’s most notorious serial killer, Dennis Nilsen, confessed to killing 15 people in 1983. Over a five-year period, he picked up vulnerable young men, lured them back to his home and strangled them, before disposing of their bodies under the floorboards. The truth about how and why he killed has been the subject of much speculation in books and documentaries over the decade...
简介:入围华沙电影节前两部竞赛。 Miriam is an actress who is also a sign language teacher, but she is not deaf herself. However, a downward spiral begins when she learns that she will indeed become fully deaf. Despite having deaf parents, deaf friends and a deaf girlfriend, she refuses to accept a world without sound. A remarkable film, also in terms of sound.
简介:In Josh Sternfeld's meticulously crafted murder mystery, a Catskills police detective (Nick Stahl) charged with investigating a juvenile homicide in an affluent suburb finds he must return to his struggling hometown of Caswell to find the killers. As his investigation picks up intensity, the grieving mother begins a battle of will and vengeance with members of Caswell, ignitin...
简介:FBI探员马刚(马丁?劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)最近和妻小闹得很不愉快,家人总是责备他太忙于工作而疏忽了照顾家庭。马刚这边正闹得情绪低落,却又有大案件找上了他。原来某日政府机关的电脑突然全部死机,过后发现很多绝密文档都被人浏览过了。FBI怀疑电脑工程师汤姆(马克?摩斯 Mark Moses 饰)有重大嫌疑,却又一直都找不到证据,于是只好派马刚再次出山。军命难违,本来不愿意再增加工作的马刚只有再次化身成肥胖的老妈子,以保姆身份混进了汤姆的家。在这里,他却意外发现了一个喧哗的世界,他和家里的三个孩子玩得不亦乐乎,亦知道了重拾天伦之乐的方法……
主演:马索·曼恩 爱德华·福隆 安吉利·赞巴拉娜 Luis Da Silva Jr 安东尼·迈克尔·弗雷德里克
导演:Gareth Maxwell Roberts
简介:他(Method Man 饰)是一个沉默的男子,永远礼帽风衣,沉默地穿梭在这座道德沦丧、破败绝望的城市的大街小巷。死亡每天发生,司空见惯,不知天高地厚的年轻人们呼啸而过,挥霍生命。白天他是市殡仪馆的殡仪师,以娴熟专业且庄重的手法清理残破不堪的尸体,带死者走过最后一程;夜晚则端坐那间被暴怒吵闹的邻居所包围的小屋里,细心制作动物标本,为他们的主人找回最后的安慰。 某天,一具女性尸体在他死水般的内心世界引起涟漪。尸体上纹有波提切利的名作《维纳斯诞生》,似曾相识的图案勾起了他对往事的回忆。城市的自毁仍在继续,他也无法永保平静……
主演:凯拉·伊薇儿 Richard Kohnke Ashlee Brian 布里特妮·阿尔格 莎拉·巴特勒 迈克·韦尔奇 克里斯·阿斯沃思
导演:Christopher Roosevelt
简介:假期到来,就读于路易斯安那州立大学的戴维(理查德·考恩克 Richard Kohnke 饰)、泰勒(凯拉·埃维尔 Kayla Ewell 饰)、布莱斯(艾斯利·布莱恩 Ashlee Brian 饰)、诺美(布瑞特妮·埃尔格 Brittney Alger 饰)和莎莉(沙拉·巴特勒 Sarah Butler 饰)相约来到公子哥同学霍华德(迈克·韦尔什 Michael Welch 饰)家的豪华别墅度假。正当他们沉浸在无上的快乐中时,突然得知导弹向美国本土袭来的惊人消息。在危机当前,几名青年经过讨论决定暂时留在别墅中,相机而动。未及,一枚导弹在附近炸毁,危机似乎就此结束。 但是新的危险随之到来,周围好像一夜之间变成恐怖丧尸的世界。大批丧失人性、嗜血如命的活死人接二连三向年轻人们袭来,死神露出狰狞的笑容……
简介:This documentary tells the story of the 1999 London bombings that targeted minority communities, and the race to find the far-right extremist behind them.
简介:The remarkable story of how a group of inspired mavericks made an unlikely marriage of hip-hop and history the biggest musical show in America...and are getting ready to conquer the world.
简介:When the monks living at a small rural monastery face it being transformed into a hotel due to the lack of income, a newcomer monk convinces them their only chance is teaching them soccer
简介:Exiled unjustly, convicted without trial, slandered without cause. Man of God depicts the trials and tribulations of Saint Nektarios of Aegina, as he bears the unjust hatred of his enemies while preaching the Word of God.
简介:Two young women retreat to a remote holiday home. While one of them undertakes a medical abortion, the other quietly cares for her. A snake slithers around them, unnoticed.
主演:拉吉尼坎塔 莫哈恩拉 西瓦·拉吉库马尔 杰奇·史洛夫 拉姆亚·克里希南 Vinayakan 特曼娜·芭蒂亚 苏尼尔 Vasanth Ravi 约吉·巴布 基肖尔·库马尔·G· Nagendra Babu Jaffer Sadiq G·马里穆图 Vtv Ganesh
导演:Nelson Dilipkumar
简介:A retired jailer goes on a manhunt to find his son's killers. But the road leads him to a familiar, albeit a bit darker place. Can he emerge from this complex situation successfully?
简介:When a retired Green Beret soldier is murdered by an Albanian drug gang in London, four of his veteran SAS comrades set out to avenge him, dispensing their own brand of justice on the streets of London.
简介:Through the clever containment of a single location and only one on-screen character, Monolith surveils disgraced journalist (rising star Lily Sullivan) as she turns to podcasting to salvage her career, before uncovering a strange artefact that she believes is evidence of an alien conspiracy. The teasing mystery is a product of the ground-breaking Film Lab: New Voices initiativ...