简介:20世纪七十年代,罗杰(朗·里维斯顿 Ron Livingston 饰)与卡罗琳(莉莉·泰勒 Lili Taylor 饰)两夫妇带着他们五个可爱美丽的女儿,搬到了位于罗德岛哈瑞斯维尔的一幢旧宅居住。房屋虽然古旧沧桑,历史悠久,但是却让佩隆一家体会到回归田园的快乐与喜悦。谁知好景不长,接二连三的怪异事件相继出现,令女孩们惊声尖叫,也让佩隆夫妇的神经绷到极点。为此,他们辗转找到当时最负盛名的沃伦夫妇。 丈夫埃德(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)是天主教会唯一认可的驱魔师,妻子洛琳(维拉·法米加 Vera Farmiga 饰)则拥有窥见灵体的能力。他们不费吹灰之力便确定这座阴气十足的大房子的症结所在,而为了征得教会除灵的许可,他们必须深入期间搜集恶灵存在的证据……
简介:Dr Kevin Fong explores a medical revolution that promises to help us live longer, healthier lives. Inspired by the boom in health-related apps and gadgets, it's all about novel ways we can monitor ourselves around the clock. How we exercise, how we sleep, even how we sit. Some doctors are now prescribing apps the way they once prescribed pills. Kevin meets the pioneers of this ...
简介:The Last Day was a mini episode as part of the run-up to the 50th anniversary special. 神秘博士50周年迷你剧,接在The Night of the Doctor和The Day of the Doctor之间。
简介:The best man at Scott (Long) and Kristin's (Weixler) Arizona destination wedding, Lumpy (Labine) is the life of the party, until a long, indulgent night leads to his untimely death. Forced to cancel their honeymoon and fly back to Minneapolis to arrange for his funeral, Scott and Kristin meet Ramsey (Timlin) and learn that Lumpy isn't quite who they thought he was.
简介:表面上看来,珍妮(凯丽·拉塞尔 Keri Russell 饰)是一位再平凡不过的姑娘,然而,在她的内心里隐藏着一个只有她自己才知道的秘密。原来,珍妮深深的沉迷于英国女作家简奥斯汀所撰写的小说之中,对于她笔下的“达西先生”更是迷恋的无法自拔,在珍妮的心目中,达西先生就是她日后择偶的唯一标杆。 然而,正由于怀抱着这样不切实际的可笑幻想,才让珍妮在感情世界里处处碰壁遍体鳞伤。一次偶然中,她收到了一封来自远房亲戚的来信,这位富有的绅士邀请珍妮前往“奥斯汀庄园”度假,珍妮当然不会放过这一千载难逢的好机会,并在内心里暗暗生出了对于这名绅士的好感。可是珍妮再也想不到,这一趟旅程不仅是她的寻梦之旅,却也是她的梦碎之旅。
简介:These child prodigies of the animal kingdom have feathers and beaks – and very special skills! The Keas of New Zealand are the only parrots that live in snowy mountain areas. They like testing their brains, solving puzzles and challenging tourists: they unscrew bottle-tops, dismantle windscreen wiper blades and tear open rucksacks. They seem so determined you’d think they have ...